Saturday, November 27, 2010

Positive Thinking and Positive Affirmations

Positive thinking creates positive experiences. Our thoughts are constantly affirming what we believe. If we have a positive belief we affirm this with our positive thoughts and the same is true for negativity. To affirm means to support and strengthen, so affirming our choices means to support and strengthen our choices. The choice is ours whether we want to be healthy, unhealthy, happy or unhappy.
Their is power in our thoughts but not so much as our beliefs. It is true that we think what we believe but it is also true we can think what we don't believe. Every affirmation we think or say is a reflection of our beliefs but not every thought we think is an affirmation. It is important to realize that many beliefs that are from the past may no longer be true or are invalid for us now. We can use positive affirmations to challenge negative beliefs and to replace them with positive healthy beliefs. Basically it is training our minds. Positive thoughts keep us focused on choosing consciously our thoughts to be in alignment with our positive affirmations. The more determined we are and the more we are prepared to accept change, the more positive affirmations will work and thoughts will become affirmations. In other words the more you believe in what you are affirming the more powerful they are.
Continually repeating thoughts we can reprogram our minds. Reprogramming our minds changes the way we think and feel about things and in the process we replace dysfunctional beliefs with new positive beliefs. It is when we accept and believe a positive affirmation and thought that change happens. Knowledge and repetitive positive affirmations and thoughts will create the change.
I can help others to create positive affirmations or thoughts, beliefs, and choices. I can help one to reprogram the mind to be at positive and healthy functioning.

Self Esteem - How to Build Self Esteem

Building self esteem is vitally important for everyone. Being adult, child or teenager, self image is the foundation. No one wants to be the person who can't ask questions or is too shy to say something of value. So how do we improve our self esteem?
Firstly as parents we hold a very important role in this sphere. The way we relate to our kids will impact them for life. Yes a very scary but true fact. The more encouraging we are to our children, the more we allow them to learn from their mistakes and the less we put out kids down, the better their self esteem will be. A child who is constantly being put down and belittled will eventually doubt their own capabilities which in turn will crush their desire to try new things for fear of failure.
Teenagers go through a rough time. Their bodies are changing and consciously and subconsciously they need to learn how to deal with this. Some will embrace the changes and run with it and will be incredibly popular amongst their peers, enjoying the attention received, whilst others will have a much harder time. Those that struggle with the changes could be very uncomfortable with their peers for a very long time.
It truly is amazing to note how many adults lack self esteem. This may be caused from childhood or it could be a result of an ugly divorce, lack of job or loss of job or generally life not going in the right direction. Generally adults do not like changes, and when necessary do not always have an easy time accepting them. This in turn can cause them to doubt themselves and have a low self image.
Raising your self image is not easy. It's definitely a mind game. You need to change your outlook on life, your perspective of yourself and then take action. You need to think more positively, I can do it, I will be able to do it - POSITIVE THINKING.
Instead of focusing on what you think people don't like about you, think about what your good qualities are and how to enhance them. Many times what you think people think about you is far from the reality!
Give yourself a pampering session. Most times we are so involved in worrying and taking care of others that we don't spend enough time on ourselves. I know that seems a little indulgent, but yes we all need a little bit of me time, a little spoiling and pampering. This in itself can push your self esteem to new levels. Think about it when you feel good about yourself you project it onto others!

How To Keep Your Motivation Going

A) Focus on what you really want. Concentrate on what you do want and not on what do you don't want. Your thoughts attract what happens in your life. If you spend your life thinking "Why does my life have to be a struggle?", then your life will be a struggle. If you think "I am enjoying my life at the moment, I feel positive," then you will have a more positive outlook. If you have a setback (and you will) turn it around and find the positive in it. Use that positivity to move you closer to your goals. If you think like this, you will see that a setback can actually be a big positive moment and actually make you stronger. Remember the old saying, "learn from your mistakes," and you will reach your goals.
B) Keep a diary of your progress. This is very important, especially when your motivation is flagging a bit. Every time you feel a bit 'flat', just read your diary and see how far you have come. If you keep a record of all your successes and failures, then you check on your progress and, if necessary, change your approach so you don't repeat any mistakes. Don't just rely on your memory. If you are anything like me you will only remember the failures, which will make you feel discouraged and un-motivated. You might feel like you are failing more than succeeding, when you are in fact a big success.
C) Mix with people who have the life you want. When you surround yourself with people who live the lifestyle you desire, it builds your self belief, keeps you focused. Being around successful people means you can watch and learn how they get to where they are. It makes you think "If they can do it, then so can I." Spend lots of time with them and ask them what they did and how they succeeded. You might be surprised by what they say about their failures. Everybody makes mistakes, but it is the ones who learn from their mistakes who are the successful ones.
D) Read inspirational and motivational books. I found that reading about other people's success stories, really inspired and motivated me, particularly biographies of millionaires such as Richard Branson. It makes me feel very motivated knowing that people who start from scratch, like me, can make it to the top of their chosen life.
If you can keep your motivation going you will find that your journey to the lifestyle you want will be that much smoother, more fun and a lot shorter! Enjoy your journey and the destination will be that much more fulfilling.

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Structure of Excellence

What is it that makes a Tiger Woods, a Bill Gates, a Shumacher or Leonardo Di Vinci? What is the structure of excellence, is it discoverable, is it replicable and perhaps most importantly is it possible to install the structure of excellence in ourselves and in our own lives so that we to can achieve excellence and become the architects of our passions and dreams?

If we study the lives of those that have achieved excellence in any walk of life we discover many common characteristics - hard work, dedication, a natural inclination and talent that has been developed and perfected over time, along with certain powerful supporting beliefs. Although an understanding of these traits is interesting and to some degree useful it is still quite superficial in that it does not tell us why these people are so dedicated, hard working and able to discover and develop their talents in the way that they have - it still doesn't give us the structure of excellence.

Why is it that some have big bright futures stretching out in front of them while many see their future as down right dark, gloomy and unclear. why is it that some lead lives of outstanding achievement while so many lead lives of quite desperation?

For the answer perhaps we could look to language for a clue. If someone describes their future as down right dark, gloomy and unclear and i was to ask them where in their visual field when they imagined their future the image was located and to describe its structure i would not be at all surprised to hear that the image was down and to the right, was dark and gloomy and unclear. If i was then to ask the person with the huge bright future stretching out in front of them to describe where in their visual field they saw the image of their future i would not be at all surprised to hear that it was out in front of them, that the image was big and bright. We would I'm sure find a similar pattern in the internal dialogue of these two people one being more negative, and the other positive, strong and confident and encouraging. We would also find distinct differences in the types of feelings each of them generate and experience.

So now perhaps we are getting a little closer to an understanding of what the structure of excellence really is, simply put it is the way in which we use our minds, the kind and type of pictures, sounds and feelings that we habitually run in our neurology. Those that habitually create dark gloomy unclear images and negative critical voice tones tend to experience heavy and gloomy feelings and as a result can feel, down stuck or depressed. Those who tend to use big bright pictures and strong encouraging internal dialogue tend to generate positive, strong feelings and as a result are more motivated, happier and feel better about life, themselves and the future.

So could it really that simple - could the difference between those that live lives of quiet desperation and those that are able to get themselves to consistently do what is necessary for the achievement of excellence be as simple as the types of pictures, feelings and sounds they habitually use? The answer it seams is - yes.

The types of pictures and sounds and associated feelings we create in our neurology create the states that we experience, and state is the master key to excellence for in the right state we make better decisions, have access to much more of our resources and can achieve much more success and even excellence.

There is a psychological technology called neuro linguistic programing or NLP for short. NLP has been described as the user manual for the mind and to put it in the simplest terms is a set of tools that enable us to model the very structure of excellence in others and replicate and install that excellence in ourselves. NLP enables us to understand and change the types of images, sounds and feelings we habitually run and install new more useful strategies. The results of which can often bringing about fast, dramatic and lasting changes.

I am talking about a set of tools that enables us to discover and install the very structure of excellence itself. For surely each and everyone of us has it in us to achieve our own personal definition of success and perhaps with a better understanding of the structure of excellence who knows what we may all still achieve.

How to Build on Your Success by Becoming More Decisive

Are you the type of person that makes decisions quickly or do you find it difficult to make your mind up? When it comes to getting a job done and meeting a deadline your success can depend on the ability to be decisive. Many people fail to meet deadlines because of indecision. Not only do they let people affect their ability to make prompt and definite decisions but they hesitate due to factors involving their own decisiveness.

Procrastination is a weakness that many of us may face on a daily basis. The ability to be decisive when it comes to avoiding distractions is important if you are to succeed in reaching your potential. Too many people make excuses for not chasing their goals early on in life continuously putting there dreams to one side and saying they will come back to them when “the time is right”. However, you only have a chance of succeeding in reaching those aims if you start acting immediately.

The biggest achievers of this world have shown that their success comes from quick decisive action and the ability to take stock of situations when things do not go to plan and to change decisions when necessary. Henry Ford was an example of someone who used his decision making ability to full effect. Some might say he was so determined when he made a decision that he was stubborn. His model T car was made despite the advice of many of his staff who said it would be the ugliest car around. Although this turned out to be partly correct and the car was not as successful as other models, Ford still stuck to his guns and made a fortune from the model. Now, regardless of what would have happened if he had scrapped it, Ford showed that by being strong minded and decisive he was able to make something succeed that most people doubted.

To become more decisive you need to be able to ignore the opinions of others. If you want to make sacrifices and chase your dream doing something that satisfies your inner desires, you need to listen to your self and no one else. Friends and family may try to discourage you from your goals as they may think they know what is best for you. However, your burning desire to succeed at something should be all the encouragement you need to take those first steps towards achieving immediate goals.

One major problem with the education system is that it does not teach the youth about the working world enough. Too many students work their hearts out trying to get the best grades they can only to find that they have no idea what to do with themselves after graduating. Schools, colleges and universities do not encourage people to make decisions before they finish studying and so the habit of indecision stays with people as they go into work. It may be necessary to take any job straight away after leaving your studies behind you whilst you think about what you want to do with your future. However, many will find that they are stuck in that same job a year or more later and are unable to climb the career ladder.

You need to find the courage to make a definite decision about your future. You should sit down and analyse yourself, your strengths and weaknesses, what you think you are capable of and what you want to achieve in life. Then you must do your own research and not be held back by others or hold yourself back by procrastinating.

No Goals, No Go

One of my favorite conversation-starter questions to ask people is "What are your goals?" The answer can tell a great deal about a person.

Nearly every time, there's something in common among those who feel stuck in their current situation, unhappy with one or more aspect of their life, and feeling as though they are going nowhere: they have no goals.

In some cases, it's simply a case of not understanding the power and presence that goals provide (and in these cases, simple instruction is the answer). Goal setting is a breeze once you understand how to do it.

With other folks, they may understand the power of goals, but they simply haven't taken the time or effort to set any (or to update their last batch of goals). It's important to set new goals as soon as you achieve your goals, otherwise you can lose momentum.

Other folks claim to be "going with the flow" (which often means drifting, going nowhere) and waiting for inspiration to strike.

The trouble with that approach is: inspiration typically doesn't appear until you become crystal clear about what you want.

Writers get blocked when they stare at a blank page, waiting for something to come. Writers can easily be inspired by imagining the end result of their writing (whether it's increased sales thanks to effective ad copy, or an emotional reaction elicited by a short story).

A person without a vision is like a ship afloat on the ocean. Sure, it might be a fun ride, you may get to relax a bit, but next thing you know, a couple of months have passed and you're now running out of rations, clean water, sunscreen and sanity.

But a ship with a destination in mind travels with passion AND purpose, and becomes unstoppable. When you have clear, concise goals, the Universe can then deliver exactly the clues you require to follow your course and reach your destination.

Don't wait on inspiration -- because inspiration is waiting on you, right now at this very moment.

Create a vision. Invoke your passion. Ask for a sign. You will get one.

But if you don't select a destination, don't be surprised if you just keep drifting in limbo -- and then you have no right to whine about how "nothing is happening" because that part was ultimately up to you --- and you never chose a destination!

Be brave, be daring, be confident, and have faith. Whatever you ask for, YOU CAN HAVE.

Go for it!

Three Steps To Help You in Your Goal Setting

We are coming to the close of another year and the beginning of a new one. This is not a story about New Year’s resolutions, but it is a story about something very similar – goal setting. Getting your goals and objectives in order is extremely important.

I know the New Year brings about all kinds of resolutions, or goal setting, but everyone has a hard time staying with it to completion. I would like to help you in the setting of your goals, so that you have the best chance of hitting your target.

Here are three steps you can take to get you started in the right direction.

1. Make a List

I’m a list maker. I have lists all over the place. A list for what I have to do the next day, or what I would like to accomplish during the week. Lists are good. They give me a short view and the long view of what it is I want to do. My lists help me to see what my goals are. You need to start with a view of what exactly you want to do. Write everything down that you want to accomplish. Don’t worry how farfetched an idea it is, write it down.

Next is two divide your list into two parts. The short view – what you want to accomplish in the next two months, and the long view – everything that you want to accomplish in the next year. Some say not to look to far down the road, but I think you need to have long term goals as well.

2. How Are You Going To Get There?

When I talk to my grand-children, and they tell me what they want to be when they grow up, they will tell me all kinds’ wonderful things they aspire to be, but if you asked them how are they going to get there, they look at you very strangely. They are young and don’t have a clue on how to get to the fulfillment of their dreams. Many adults in the network marketing arena are exactly the same way. I was in that very same crowd.

You have to formulate a plan of action that is going to get you from point A to point B. If I want to sign up one person a week into my primary business, the numbers say that I have to talk to sixty people a month, that’s fifteen people a week, and that’s three people a day. Sign up one person a week, is four people a month, and that’s 48 people a year. That would be nice.

I have just set a goal, both long term and short term, and I have a plan of action on what I have to do to get me where I want to be.

3. Take Action – Get Started

This is probably the hardest part, at least it is for me. My wife knows me very well. She has been bugging me to paint the garage door all summer long. She knows that once I get started, I will finish the job and I will do a very good job as well. It’s just getting me started, that’s the hard part. Just like the Rolling Stones song says, “If you start me up, I will never stop.” That’s me. So what she did was get the paint and she started. I come out and see her doing it all wrong. Now I get involved, and she slowly steps back and out of the picture, leaving me to complete the task. She knows it just takes getting me started.

I don’t care how well you have planned and put together this incredible system, if you don’t get it put into action, you might as well just sit down in front of that TV all day, because that’s how much you will accomplish. Get off your duff and get moving. Just start. It’s doesn’t have to be perfect, but once you get rolling, you will get better and better with more practice.

One final thought, goals are meant to be a measurement of where you are and, what you might have to tweak, to get to where you want to be. So if you don’t hit your goal square in the target, that’s OK. Make the adjustment and fire at it again. The only time you will ever miss your target, is when you quit shooting.

Change Your Life - Control Your Mind

You are the creator of your own version of reality. Decades of psychological research prove beyond doubt that how you think controls how you behave and how you behave creates your life. Your mood dictates how you feel about every situation and every person that you encounter in your life. Your mood dictates how you react to every perceived opportunity, threat, compliment or insult. And, unfortunately, at this moment in time, you are incapable of controlling your own mood because it is automatically dictated by your subconscious mind. And the bad news is that, left to its own devices, your subconscious mind will always focus on what a psychologist would call your "stored knowledge" - everything that you learned about how the world works and, most importantly, everything that you learned about yourself - way back during your formative years. In other words, your life today is entirely dictated by things that happened to you or for you years or decades ago.

Since the early decades of the last century, research has, time and again, concluded that so-called normal people are simply not capable of paying any attention to what is actually happening before their very eyes. Sure, normal people really think that they know what's going on, but they see everything through a fog of formative years programming. Believe it or not, normal people actually think they're taking real action when, in reality, they are simply automatically reacting to their subconscious mind's version of current events. And that interpretation is based on preconceived notions that are way past their sell-by date. Consider this for just a moment. If you actually acted, instead of reacted, would you be phased by some passing trivia that will be forgotten tomorrow? Would you lose your temper with your kids and make matters worse? Would you annoy your boss who holds your career in the palm of his or her hand? And would you even bother to waste your energy on allowing someone who cuts in on you in rush hour traffic to annoy you?

More to the point, would you consciously self-sabotage with useless, crazy, unfounded thoughts that you are inadequate? Would you deliberately let an opportunity slip because you think that you're shy? Would you become a perspiring, crumpled, nervous wreck every time that you've got to speak in public? Would you be lazy? Would you be stressed out? Would you succumb to what is, after all, nothing other than perceived pressure? Not one of these things make any sense - and yet that is where most of us find ourselves most of the time - no wonder the World Health Organization believes that stress will be the biggest killer of the 21st century.

Normal people - and that's all of us to a greater or lesser extent - are completely out of control. If you're not happy with yourself or your life, if there's something that you would like to change, if you'd like to achieve more or be more relaxed, it has nothing to do with what is actually happening to you or for you - it is all down to a normal, crazy, out of control subconscious mind. You might wish for or want for better times, greater things to happen, to be calmer, more assertive, more attractive or even have more money. However, the ups and downs of normal living have convinced you that life doesn't work like that - you believe that you're neither sufficiently brave nor courageous to take the leap. You're wrong, you only think that life is what it is, that you've got to work hard to be a success, that certain things are beyond you. All these self-defeating useless thoughts are many miles removed from actual reality - they are a figment of a subconscious mind that's lost in a past long gone.

You can't control your life - nobody can. On the other hand, you can exert extra-ordinary influence on every aspect of your life by simply taking control of the one thing in life over which you can exert complete and absolute control - your own state of mind. You must drag (often you will have a fight on your hands!) that subconscious mind of yours away from its total obsession with a long-gone past. It is vital that you re-learn the innate skills that we all have to pay attention to what is actually happening in the present moment - something that was second nature to you when you were a child. You must take full control of your otherwise wayward mind - you must commit to re-training yourself to come to your senses. A small commitment - perhaps only a few minutes a day on your part - will change your life utterly. Those few minutes each day need to be spent in relearning how to pay attention to what your five senses are actually telling you - without your warped subconscious mind putting its own irrelevant spin on things.

If you make the effort - and only a little effort is required - to re-learn the art of being present - if you do actually bother to turn up to your own life - you will take control of your mind and create a reality based on who you really are, what you really feel, what you really want and what you can really achieve.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Real Secret To Achieving Any Goal

There's a lot written these days on how to make your dreams come true. "The Secret," and various other Law of Attraction material that has been around for ages. Seemingly mystical and metaphysical processes that at best, seem to be hit and miss. The good news is that setting and achieving goals is a relatively simple process. Since you'd like to find out how, keep reading.

The mind is an organ of an incomprehensible complexity. That doesn't mean there's anything mystical or magical about it. It merely means that it is an incredibly complicated and highly functioning thing that we have between our ears. Unfortunately, it doesn't come with an owners manual, so most of us are absolutely clueless on how to operate it properly.

It can help to understand how it came to be in it's present state. Through millions of years of evolution, people that had brains that helped them survive usually did pretty well when it came to passing on their genes to their ancestors. Those who had brains that made it difficult to survive (like the instinct to go up and pet a crouching tiger) generally didn't live long enough to pass on his or her genes.

Evolution can be thought of as millions year long filtering process, and we are the results. Our brains are the result of millions and millions of years of competition between and within our species. What does that mean for the average goal seeker today? How can that help you make money, attract love, and lose weight? Read on.

The brain has something called a reticular activating system. It's that part of your mind that lets you know when there's something around you that is important. A tiger, dinner, an attractive and potential mate. This allowed our ancestors to survive in a harsh environment, as it kept most of the thinking at an unconscious level. This is also the reason why you see the same color and model car everywhere, after you bought that nice new red one. There are about a millions times more things going on around us that we can possibly be consciously aware of at any given time. Our reticular activating system serves as filter so we don't get bogged down in unimportant stuff.

So how to we leverage this marvelous evolutionary creation? Make your goals as important as possible. And make their achievement, what it will be like when you get there, as detailed as possible. Many people when setting goals make two huge mistakes.

Mistake number one is to not make them strong enough. They are usually little more than wishes. Mistake number two is not being specific enough. You can't hit a target if you don't know what it is.

By making your goal as strong as possible, a burning desire, and by making it as specific as possible, you can't help but achieve it. Your reticular activating system will be constantly scanning your environment to find things to help you get there.

We come preprogrammed with strong desires for sex and food. We automatically are alerted when these things are around. In order to convince your subconscious that your goals are really important, you've got to take the time to practicing thinking about them with sufficient emotional energy until your subconscious gets the idea that they really are important. After that occurs, getting them will be automatic.

Live Your Life With Passion !

What does it really mean to live your life with passion or passionate living? Most people may think it is about doing, when truly, it is about being. That thing or things which best exemplify your highest self—now that is your passion. It is actually whatever you are most passionate about and has always been present within you just ready to express.

For me, I define it as the steadfast dedication to the thing or things which brings your purpose into focus and makes your heart sings. For instance, you might have a passion for teaching, so your purpose is to educate other people. Try not to be confused with whatever your passion is and then spend years and years trying to discover and explore it.

It actually lives within you, and if only you took some time off from the trivial matters of daily activities, you would know and realize what it is. Purpose and passion really are the beliefs or principles of cause and effect in action. “The desire to be, and the desire to live—there is only passion within me”.

Knowing and understanding that they are just twin sides of the same coin would help you in distinguishing your several skills and talents, which ones you are most passionate about and conceive your real purpose in this life. Your enthusiasm allows you to ‘be’—it is the highest and the loftiest frequency of happiness which you could express through which you can ‘do’ best.

Some individuals try so hard in transforming what they are passionate about into a job or work they could count on a paycheck from—what a big mistake. Why—it’s because now they have minimized or lessened their zeal into a certain kind of chore, which they would later resent because it has become very difficult to make it happen.

When we are trying too hard to make things happen, we go against the flow of the timing of the universe so in effect, we spoil our chances of enjoying what we are most passionate about. We become out of alignment because we are now anxious, fearful and worried; all of which are qualities of being attached.

When we do not feel fearful, anxious or worried about financial security, we let God amass all the resources accessible through His magnanimous world to bring us to the level of success we expect to feel through the expression of our passion. The secret in living our lives with passion and expressing this through what we do is letting go of our attachment to the outcome of that expression.

Bear in mind that not expressing your passion deprives the universe of your best gift—You. What are you waiting for--start right now and today! Do not be someone trying to search all over for their keys while already holding them in their hands. It means you are already overlooking if if you continue looking for something that is already there.

You never really have to wait till you are too old in your life to begin living your life with passion through what you do.

How to Live from Your Heart

When we approach life from consciousness instead of from the way we've been programmed from childhood up, we become increasingly deep feeling individuals.
How can we not feel deeply, given that we are expressions of divine love?
The very nature of consciousness is an awareness that enables us to do the loving thing.
The story of the Little Prince has introduced us to the concept of "matters of consequence." Those things which are of consequence are matters that flow from the heart, and therefore involve love, which produces deep feeling and often strong emotion.
Because the little prince feels a powerful connection with the flower he loves on his planet, the idea that her safety wouldn't be of the utmost consequence horrifies him. As a result he becomes angry, his face "white with rage."
Flooded with emotion, which is flowing from deep connection, the little prince is powerfully moved and yet not at all reactive.
The feeling of the heart is poles apart from the reactive emotion of the reptilian part of the brain. Reactivity divides and separates people, whereas feeling flowing from the heart invites us to know each other in a more closely connected way.
The difference between the two is illustrated by the little prince's encounter with a businessman on one of the planets he visited on his journey to Earth. This gentleman is totally out of touch with anything of consequence, such as a flower and its scent, the stars at night, or love for another human being.
All he's concerned about is money.
The businessman thinks he's concerned with a matter of consequence, of course, which inflates his ego because it makes him feel important.
The little prince doesn't see the businessman as a human being. He sees him as a mushroom!
Mushrooms can appear overnight and have huge heads, a symbol of the ego. However, in terms of the imagery of this story, they have little substance. The businessman is unaware that he has a heart, a caring center that can feel.
It's a pretty good image of how business so often operates today, especially what led to the current economic crisis, with some getting rich during this crisis while others lose their job and home.
What's truly important in life is to live from the heart. Whatever comes from the heart is a matter of consequence.
When something comes from the head, the product of thought, we are wise to sit in stillness until our thoughts quiet down and we can feel our heart instead of hearing our thoughts.
But I want to emphasize, as I have often in the past in these blogs, that the heart is very different from emotional reactivity. It's the deep current of being.
The feeling we experience flows from our essence, which is very different from an emotional whim that's triggered in the reptilian brain.
We are talking about feeling that's an authentic expression of divine love, which takes many forms when it comes to emotional expression. But none of it is reactive, egoic, or alienating.

From Unemployment to Success

You owe it to yourself and you owe it to God and all mankind to be successful; even very successfully rich. This is not platitudinous in any sense because it is our birthright to have prosperity. However there are steps you shall have to undertake should magical wealth be yours thus enabling you to provide for your hearts desires. You do not want a partial life now do you as I am sure you seek a harmonious life.
First off this is not a get rich quick scheme gimmick because to attain massive success commands a particular mindset. Reason being you want to hold on to your success; don't you? Well then erase the poverty mindset and also erase any notions you may be harbouring that there is not enough to go around; because the natural laws are abundantly blessed. Thus there are loads for you and everyone else as long as you nurture expansive thought always without ever thinking the opposite! ‘You do not want to get rich so you may live swinishly' W D. Wattles.
There is one more fact I want you to ingrain in your psyche and that is God created man with express intentions to see how we may advance using our intellect as well as our hands. You see God told us he will show us all the information we need instructing us how the world was formed if we so desire it. He also wants to see what we can create by using our minds in harmony with his Wisdom but so far few have adapted this skill set for their own attainments. Are you up to it?
The first parameter requiring your attention is your connection with God through spiritual and personal growth. Spirituality is an essence one either has or not as one cannot switch it on at will; it is a constant. But faith with God commences with a conversation thus talk with God daily and also develop the practice of gratitude. Nothing of value will ever come to anyone who does not show signs of gratitude even on a human level appreciation is a magical key.
Secondly: optimum health is vital to your well being and success in order to have the energy levels required giving you the stamina for resilience. Walk for twenty minutes every day, eat three good meals every day. Most of all feed your mind with the necessary optimism needed to combat any negativity that may ooze towards your campaign.
Third parameter: Your physical environment has a humungous influence on your behaviour so sit down and write out the effects being where you reside have on you. Your family relationships and how kind are you with them; in other words do you argue a lot?
Firth parameter: Fun and games. Life would be pointless if there was not one ounce of enjoyment to be had with all expenditures of energy whether in work or personal time.
Sixth parameter: social aid? Giving of yourself when you have nothing else will bring more smiles and positive vibes than any and all other efforts combined. When you give of yourself with good cheer nature cannot help but respond to your generosity by aligning prosperity in similar if not even greater quantities commensurate with your efforts.
Seventh Parameter: mastermind group: no one person ever accumulated worthy triumphs alone; they were all part of a team. Write down the names of people you admire in your locality and these most be people possessing a similar mindset as the one you are choosing to adopt; i.e. a mindset of abundance. Now would you like to work with them? if so ask them would they be interested in being part of your mastermind group as a medium for advancement and harmony.
Eight Parameter: career: this is the most vital because this is where you have to decide what it is you would really like to do. Now if you have been made redundant take a look at the industry you were part of and make a clear analysis about it ever returning in all its glory. If it is not showing signs of promise then decide immediately that you need to educate yourself towards an alternate career. Libraries are full of books that can aid your development and many colleges have affordable programs you may qualify for.
If your desire is really strong enough you will take these steps and enlarge upon them seeking how you may apply this information towards advancing your life. Only you can stop your progress and only you can stimulate and invite progress and all it takes is your desire matched with extreme levels of faith guided through a plan of action. Momentum is your ally so once you start your journey do not, repeat do not, stop for anything even if you have to move somewhere else; just do it!

The Power of Gratitude, Blessings and Riches

Gratitude is not always about giving as sometimes a simple hug or word of appreciation suffices in plenty. Gratitude is saying you are welcome rather than saying no problem. Words and how we use them play such an important role that many of us take for granted that others know what we mean when in actuality they may prefer to actually hear you recite the words thank you with sincerity.

There is one almighty important deity to thank and the more you thank him the better really. When you realise with convictions that all things pass through God and as such he is responsible for your life as you know it, mistakes, lessons and all, then it shall be drawn to you the necessity to dutifully and profoundly thank God with absolute sincerity. You cannot deceive a recipient with false thanks because to do so is inviting the laws of compensation to reciprocate and you may not like what happens then.

Laws are inextricably linked within every nuance of life from the constitution to the bye-laws corporations are founded upon. They are as part of your society as they are within your family because without them anarchy would be ever present.

The laws of compensation validate the opposing views of opposites and it is evidenced that if you seek success then live your life with success as your general theme. Apply this technique as if it were your very heart and soul; then every breath you breathe is filled with success.

Perspective is fine and dandy but acceptance of things as they are is not always conducive to attainment of blessings and riches as they require something more in your attitude beyond complacency. The power of gratitude and its laws pertain to how you live, how you walk and talk, how you sleep and how you eat. They apply to how you treat others and how you allow or invite others to treat you. They also apply to how you treat yourself especially with the depth of your own self love.

Simplicity of movement is essential except with intellect because to restrict the very mind your life depends upon for survival will subject you to a life of oblivion. This is as you may see not what any law wants from you, expects from you or even demands from you because laws are about growth.

In essence one is required to develop an appreciative stance immediately believing that which you seek is already on its way because of your right living. Gratitude comes both before and after a thing because if you do not believe it is coming then why ask for it in the first place. Expectation is a mindset and takes some working to utilise it effectively so be prepared with patience for your belief system to develop so you may actually reap its rewards.

Think of it this way: if you were to receive a sewing machine, scissors, thread, chalk, measuring tape and a pattern with enough material do you think you would make a really good job of the project especially if you have never ever performed this type of work before?

Useful tip: Well now every aspect of life has a learning curve and it is up to you to find out how your penchant for learning may be finely tuned so your life shall be blessed with bountiful gifts because you have honed your appreciation skills. God bless and tooraloo! An amazing attribute of gratitude is it helps you to fight away negativity thus you are always in a receiving and appreciation mode because even the little things make a difference to a grateful soul. With this mindset you will recognise the adversity cloaks opportunity but by having an attitude of gratitude opportunity shall be presented to you so it will in magical abundance. God bless. Amen!

There is But One Lesson in Life

Before you go any further I need to ask you two questions and it goes like this: are you reading all kinds of manuscripts and books from Napoleon Hill to John Assaraf to Bob Proctor et al etc but are you taking the time to reflect through meditation?

I need you to make a promise, not to me, but to yourself and it goes like this. ‘I promise to meditate because all the love, beauty, happiness, wealth and life depend on my mindset.' If you are not meditating then stop and go to sleep because that is what you are doing with your life.

You are basically causing your life to sleep because you are not becoming one with providence; thus your life is not complete and never will be. ‘I have come to know everything we see and everything hidden, because WISDOM who designed them all; taught me.' WISDOM 7:21

Honestly it matters not whether you believe in God because some incident or other impressed on your mind that it was pointless to do so. What does matter is that your doubts are manifesting throughout your life and consequently growth evades your life.

However, doubts place your life at risk of never being totally complete. You see life is all about growth and benefits thus if all things around you are not benefiting in every way then you are cheating everything of fulfillment.

Have you ever looked at a master musician playing the most exquisite tune while in a trance like state with their eyes closed? They are living and breathing in harmony with the essence of music through applied meditative skills perfected to a fine art. The good news is your life can perform in this way too but it takes commitment and patience.

If you have what it takes to fully grab your life by the charge of energy it requires then stop talking about it and show me how you intend to do it? Tell me in no uncertain terms that what I say is truth because for ages now you have been reading books by all the great masters but still nothing changes! I know why and if you desire success then you need to know it too and it is very simply explained.

Useful tip: out of curiosity open the Bible and read the book of Wisdom after you have read the two letters of Peter. You see the Universe needs to know you are serious about changing your life.

This commences with dialogue: with God and with someone who understands the Bible without the cloudiness of unenlightened ambiguity. Seriously I know you do not want to spend the rest of your life asleep and neither do you desire that your loved ones also sleep to eternity; life awaits – grab it! God bless and enjoy the journey encapsulated within the blanket of faith.